Library and Information Science Miscellaneous

This weblog in the field of Library and Information Science contains news, comments and everything that its bloggers think could be useful for LIS professionals and students. It is maintianed by a number of students mainly Research students and Iranian. Our email is lismisblog at Yahoo dot com.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Reed Elsevier website

Today I went to Eywitness to take part in a usability test of Reed Elsevier website. They gave me a few senarios, each consisted of a few tasks and demanded me to fulfill them while thinking aloud. As compensation for the time of the participants, they agreed to pay some money to a charity chosen by the participants. I asked them to pay some money for Niger's famin. It was a good experience for me as it was the first usability test I participated. I got some ideas how to conduct a website usability test.


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