Library and Information Science Miscellaneous

This weblog in the field of Library and Information Science contains news, comments and everything that its bloggers think could be useful for LIS professionals and students. It is maintianed by a number of students mainly Research students and Iranian. Our email is lismisblog at Yahoo dot com.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fund raising for library through chocolate selling

A smiling little girl came to me with a chocolate box in her hands and said: "please buy a chocolate to help developing my school's library". It is a custom here for fund raising through this way among primary schools. They provide each kid with a chocolate box including 25 chocolates and children should sell them and give back the money they earn to school. In addition to benefits of such way to collect money, there are also some valuable lessons for children on it. They will understand the value of group working, they practice communicating with other people and they learn doing business.


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