Library and Information Science Miscellaneous

This weblog in the field of Library and Information Science contains news, comments and everything that its bloggers think could be useful for LIS professionals and students. It is maintianed by a number of students mainly Research students and Iranian. Our email is lismisblog at Yahoo dot com.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Blogging and LIS scholars

While surfing the internet I came across with two interesting blogs. One of them was from the education field and another from the communication field. The interesting aspect of these blogs is that their authors are famous professors in their field. Reading these blogs was very informative even for me from a different field. They update the students' knowledge with following developments in the field and publish their own ideas. The language they use is easy and understandable. Why LIS scholars don't have such blogs? why our proffessors don't blog? Although there are many LIS students who have created a blog, but most of them give information rather than knowledge. We need a voice from the upper level. The increasing number of LIS journals, both print and electronic, is a good chance for us. But, the fast growth of knowledge in the LIS field, requires more speed to disseminate. On the other hand, writing a formal paper takes time and there is a risk of losing some other ideas which don't fit the whole paper.I remember one of my teachers who is very update and knowledgeable. I was lucky to be his student but all the time I was thinking oh, I wish he could put his information and thoughts in books and papers to share with other LIS students. But I am sure that he never could do it through his very busy life. Now, we have a very good tool as weblog to share ideas. Obviously, LIS teachers have so many ideas to share with us. There are other advantages for blogging. Better communication, promoting LIS among other people, current awareness for LIS students, etc. So, I strongly ask LIS scholars to blog.

Monday, March 14, 2005

London Book Fair 2005 (2)

these are some more pictures from london book fair.


There was not even one sqare meter more space to sell to the publishers. it was the first time in the history of the book fair since 1971 that all of the places availale were sold out. The fair is to be housed in a new large place next year called ExCell.
There was not any Iranian Publisher in the fair as exhibitor. I met some Iranian publishers who had come as visitor to check the new books and choose for translation.

London Book Fair

I visited London internation book fair 2005 yesterday. these are some fresh photo from the fair. I will write about the fair later if i find some times. It is completely different from Tehran book fair in respects of its functions.


A lot of seats for sitting and chatting. Penguin group has got 10.6% share of UK publishing market. New Zeland and Australia were market focus of 2005 fair. I.B Tauris has published a lot of book about Iran.


As you see in some of these pictures, there are many seats avaiable in the fair for sitting and chatting with other people and discussing the business.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Ifla Express

Ifla Express, daily newspaper of Ifla conference is online available now.

Friday, March 11, 2005

استفاده از کتابخانه بریتانیا

از آنجا که افتتاح ساختمان جدید کتابخانه ملی می تواند سرفصل تازه ای در خدمات کتابخانه ملی به مراجعین آن باشد ، به نظرم رسید شاید بد نباشد قدری براساس تجربه ام در مورد استفاده از کتابخانه بریتانیا و خدمات آن به مراجعین بنویسم تا خوانندگان نیز تصویری از خدمات یک کتابخانه ملی نسبتاً خوب در ذهن داشته باشند. به زودی مطالبی در این مورد خواهم نوشت. تصویر زیر یک نیمکت به شکل کتاب است که به عنوان یک اثر هنری در بخشی از فضای تالار ورودی کتابخانه بریتانیا تعبیه شده است
art work in BL

Thursday, March 10, 2005

BL Photo

BL 2003
Just to make the weblog a bit colourful. a picture i took from British Library in 2003.